Off Course 5

Off Course 5

Most people seem to accept that we are not defined by our failures, even if they struggle to internalize it. We identify with the implicit premise that there is an essence to humanity that transcends extrinsic outcomes, particularly when the outcome is negative. This just feels right to us because losing or failing at something sucks old car tires and that’s not a feeling that people want tied to their being. So, it’s easy to feel that feeling and say, “That’s not me. That is just this situation, I am bigger than this shitty feeling.” However, if you believe that, which I think most people do, then that means that we are also not defined by our successes

NYC 1/2 Pre-race interview

NYC 1/2 Pre-race interview

Interviewer- So, I’m sitting down with Scott Fauble, runner for Northern Arizona Elite and Hoka One One ahead of the New York City ½ Marathon. Scott, welcome to New York, how’s it going?

Scott Fauble- It’s going great, thanks for having me!

Int- Well, technically you’re having yourself on this interview because I am a fake personality you created because you weren’t asked to do any real interviews but still want attention.

Frankfurt Marathon Interview

Frankfurt Marathon Interview

she asked me a question that I can’t remember and probably didn’t fully comprehend at the time, because I remember just kind of rambling and feeling like I was going to cry for some reason. I wasn’t sad in any way, I was just emotionally and physically so depleted that when I started talking, I guess my brain was like, “uhhh we don’t know what to do, so you’re gonna cry now.”